White Thirst Reviews:
☆☆☆☆☆ 5 out of 5 stars.
By Catherine [IRELAND]:
While on holidays last month we met this Fab couple, Mike Anka and his lovely wife Mary Mitchell Anca. After chatting about what books we were reading, Mike told me he had just gotten his first BOOK published, It's a TRUE STORY about his escape with his friend Bastian from Romania in 1979 when it was under the dominance of the Soviet Union during the deadly Communist era. From the first paragraph to the last page it feels like you are on the journey with them, one of the best books I have read in years, and the fact that Mike was filling me in on all the other things that were happening around that time as well made it all the more enjoyable...The book is called WHITE THIRST by mike Anka and is a fantastic read..Available in Paperback and also available on Kindle ...thanks Mike for my signed copy.....xx Kay —
✔ Yes, I recommend this product.
Review by Ms. Trish Parker:
Even after having read White Thirst, which is a true accounting of the author's experiences, it's hard to imagine how someone could actually go through what he did and still come out on the top of things. The author and his friend, Bastian, go through hell and back to escape the tyrannical regime of the Iron Curtain. The locations are constantly changing as the author takes us from Romania to Italy, but the action, desperation and determination never change. It's people like Mr. Anka and his experiences that make my own daily problems seem inconsequential and not so bad, and therefore, easier to deal with.
Hats off to you, Mr. Anka. Thank you for persevewring when all seemed hoipeless and bringing us your wonderful story.
[As published on Amazon.com]
Review by Mr. Richard Harris:
White Thirst is a wonderfully written historical novel based on the real life experiences of the author. The story tkes place under the Communist Russian reign of Europe in 1979. The two main characters of the story, Bastian and Michael (the Author), take the reader on an amazing journey as they make their way across Europe by any means they can in an attempt to escape the cruel and relentless Iron Curtain.
Each location, from the city streets of Timisoara, Romania, to the muddy fields of the Czechoslovakia border, to the ancient an graceful lands of Italy, is brought to life as the author paints wonderful pictures that come alive in the reader's mind. The feeling of zipping through the streets on a motorcycle, or running through the brush and trees in fear of one's life is enhanced by the descriptive ability of Mr. Anka.
There is plenty of action as well. In fact, the book starts right way with a gripping chase through the city streets as Bastian begins his enounters with the people h wants nothing more then to be away from. It doesn't let off there. The action continues throughout the book, keeping the reader engaged and interested; turning pages long past bed time. And just when they think they have arrived at their sanctuary, trouble finds them again forcing them to abandon what they had thought was going to be salvation.
Mr. Anka has truly penned a wondeful novel. I have always been a fan of real life stories, and this one is exceptional. Th author has been through so mucxh, and to share his experiences with pen and paper is a remarkable feat. This book is definitely worth a read.
[As published on Amazon.com]
Reviewed by Mr. Mick Black:
I was intrigued by the book coer and when I reads the summary I was hooked. It radiated a taste of danger and adventures and made me decide to buy it. What a good move - got hooked on it from page one making me read it in two short sessions. I am no writer but I think that the story is awesome and clean, draws you in emotionally in a rewarding and engaging way. I do recdommend this book to other fellow readers.
[As publishen on Barnes and Noble].
Commnt by the KJMCAlliston family:
Great stuff. Just started reading my copy and I can't put it DOWN.
[As published on You Tube and Barnes and Noble].
White Thirst
Review by Barbara Bamberger Scott
This is the story of two friends, Mike and Bastian, escaping from Communist Romania in 1979, in the last evil days before the fall of the Iron Curtain.
The tale opens with the two young men working on the final touches before they set out to cross into the free western side of Europe. Traveling by motorcycle with a little money and a few essential supplies, they begin the perilous trip by night. This is definitely one of the best parts of the book, as the young men’s bold actions are described in detail; we feel their desperation in the painstaking preparations they make for the dangers they face. Highlighting a time that now seems almost unreal, when the Cold War was at its apex and people in Eastern Europe were suffering under the yoke of Soviet domination and the cruel deprivations of petty dictators, Mike Anka’s book (he is both the author and the central character) has a lot to teach to a newer generation that takes freedom, perhaps, for granted.
The pair winds up in an international refugee camp in Italy run by Caritas, a Catholic aid organization. There Mike’s administrative and language skills become a significant bargaining chip in sustaining some degree of comfort. Gradually he, and the readers, get to know a lot of desperate and daring characters, people who have put their lives on the line with the sole motive of escaping tyranny. Listening to other escape sagas, Mike and Bastian learn how lucky they have been, since “The sad fact is that the ratio of arrival-to-death is about three-to-one, meaning that each successful escape matched with three other people’s death.”
The book labors slightly from some careless proofing (“sun of a ----“ is one example). But in general, this is a gripping story with a dash of romance and a lot of international intrigue, even violence. It offers a window on history without making the reader feel that s/he is being taught something. The tension and relief of escape is matched by the wheeling and dealing, criminal activities, and love affairs within the camp, so the reader’s interest has much to fix on. The book is written in present tense, which helps maintain the sense of constant upheaval.
When the book ends, Mike (who is now, in real life as well as in his fictionalized biographical account, a successful author and playwright) is presenting his first play in Toronto and experiencing an enjoyable reunion with some of the companions he met on his trek through Europe.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Awesome Book!
By Erica M Williams on April 27, 2014 Format: Paperback
I could definitely read this book again. It's about two friends who are escaping Romania. I would definitely recommend everyone to read this book.
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White Thirst review
By peggy on April 27, 2014 Format: Paperback
I enjoyed the book very much. It is a historical accounting of the authors experiences. Very good read and recommended!
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Reviewed by Jayne Southern
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] Date Added: Wednesday 17 July, 2013
Jayne Southern rated it 4 of 5 stars
Written as fiction, White Thirst is the true story of Mike Anka's escape from a Communist regime in Eastern Europe. He and a friend escape on modified motorbikes and make their way to an international refugee camp in Italy, run by Caritas, a Catholic organisation. There he meets other refugees who have suffered the most appalling journeys in their bid to be free. The camp is rife with gang warfare and violence as well being a refuge and where friendships are made. Michael becomes an administrator and negotiator helping the refugees to find sanctuary in other countries, before he himself is able to move to Canada. Mike is now a successful author and playright. This 'story' is a salutary reminder of how good it is to have been born into a nation where one is able to make choices for oneself. I'd like to give it more stars, but I think the publishers have been somewhat blasé about the proofing of this fascinating read.
Reviewer: |
Zornitsa Trendafilova |
I enjoy stories about supernatural powers so the book sounded like a good one to me. The book tells us the adventurous story of a young girl called Tiffany Juliana Conrad. At first we meet Tiffany - an interesting young person who we find out has healing abilities and can feel close danger, we also get to know her dad Steven, mum Corrine, sister Patricia and of course Grandpa Four Eyes and Two Wings. Her character slowly forms in front of the reader's eyes - learning about her healing the family dog Maya, her understanding with felines, being able to travel through enormous distances, her physical power, her desire to help people and anyone she calls friends - like the ones from the distant planet, her newly found powers she learned from her distant friends when she manages to fix herself up after almost dying with the help of her Grandpa Four Eyes, her helping the disabled children of her town, her loving relationship with Sontao, the first showing of her "Invisible Birthmarks", her dilemma whether to stay and spend some time with Sontao or take one of her missions, her choice and the dangerous things she and the two kids go through. She surely is a complex and wonderful character. ======================================================================== Review by Sybil Coleman: February 2014